White Collar

White Collar Icon The Legal Team

Our firm has one of the leading white collar practices in Israel, representing clients in a wide range of offenses including fraud, theft, bribery, negligence, securities, administrative enforcement, money laundering, taxation, and antitrust offenses, amongst others.

The proficient legal team that heads this practice is highly experienced in offering legal counsel in this area, and in accompanying clients throughout their interactions with various enforcement authorities, such as the Israel Police, Israel Securities Authority, Israel Tax Authority, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Economy, as well as with international organizations and authorities.

The attorneys in this practice accompany each case from start to finish. They provide representation and counsel during the investigation and hearing, lead the legal proceedings at courts across the country, including the Supreme Court, and head appeals processes and plea bargain negotiations.

Our firm’s white collar clients include senior corporate officers, businesspeople, directors, public figures, and others, in issues that are on the public agenda. All cases are conducted by our experienced attorneys with professionalism and skill, while maintaining the utmost level of sensitivity and discretion.

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